Sunday, February 14, 2010

Advice for Guys: It's Valentine's Day and you just suffered a break-up

The loss of a relationship can be incredibly hard - you can feel so much pain. There's not only the grief from losing someone important in your life, but the pain of seeing your hopes and dreams of a future life together disappear as well. Sometimes this is the hardest part - having to totally readjust your view of how you saw your life unfolding in the next 5 to 10 years. Suddenly, you can't see into the future and it's scary.

Feeling Like You're Starting Over

You may feel like you're starting over - that you've lost everything that was important to you and you're not sure what to do anymore. It may be hard for you to imagine your life without your partner - your lives have been so intertwined.

Let yourself know that you will get through this.


RELATED: $52.4M Opening-Lot's of guys dragged to 'Valentine's Day'

The CoOlDiGgY Olympics Daily Rundown

*Lindsey getting healthier day-by-day

*The betting odds on the Men's Halfpipe

*Bobsled, skeleton will start from planned spot

*USA Women's Ice Hockey DESTROYS China, 12-1

*Weir on threats: 'I didn't want to get hurt'

*Weather takes toll

*Homeland Security to monitor Tweets, Blogs and Social Nets during Games

CoOlDiGgY celebrates Black History Month: Paula Patton

She's hot AND Alan Thicke's daughter-in-law. That's like a dream combo in Canada

Southwest Air to Kevin Smith: "You're too fat to fly, Silent Bob"

We love Kev. This is bullshit. "Southwest Fat" is "ComicCon Skinny"

Mallrats* director Kevin Smith, 39, was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight from Oakland, Calif. to Burbank, Calif. over the weekend because of his weight.

Smith (whose newest film, Cop Out, starring Bruce Willis, opens Feb. 28) posted more than 50 angry Twitter messages decrying the airline in the following 24 hours.

As he explained on the microblogging site, the plane's captain had him removed from a plane after he was deemed a "safety risk."

"I know I'm fat, but was Captain Leysath really justified in throwing me off a flight for which I was already seated?" he ranted. "Again: I'm way fat... But I'm not THERE just yet. But if I am, why wait til my bag is up, and I'm seated WITH ARM RESTS DOWN. In front of a packed plane with a bunch of folks who'd already I.d.ed me as 'Silent Bob.'"

The airline issued him a $100 voucher as an apology and put him on another flight, but he still wasn't pleased.

*editor's note: "Mallrats" is the go-to Kevin Smith film for Us Magazine? "Mallrats"!!!

From HuffPost: NBA Slam Dunk Contest - The Top 10

*Jason Richardson

*Spud Webb

*Nate Robinson

*Vince Carter

*Andre Iguodala

*Amar'e Stoudemire

*Michael Jordan

*Josh Smith

*Dominique Wilkins

*Gerald Green

Bloomberg News files suit for Reserve to reveal where the bailout money went

It's nice that a news agency is doing the job we elected Congress to do but we understand that they are very busy not doing anything. To quote a dyslexic quoting Jerry Maguire: "Money. Show it to us."

Mark Pittman, an investigative reporter for Bloomberg News, had filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Federal Reserve Board, seeking the details of its unprecedented efforts to funnel money to the collapsing banks of Wall Street. Mr. Pittman, sometimes known as Bloomberg’s Yoda for his Jedi-like command of economic issues, had quietly surmised that the Fed was holding tightly to the secrets of the bailout.


Drone nabs teen in England

So the UK is pretty much run by SkyNet at this point, huh?

A suspected car thief was believed to be hiding from police in thick undergrowth in Bootle, Merseyside, so officers launched their new Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

They used the on-board thermal imaging camera to seek out the teenager and pinpoint his hiding place 300-metres away.

The officer operating the drone from the ground was then able to guide colleagues to the exact location and they arrested the 16-year-old youth.


Obama Signs Debt-Limit Increase Into Law

If only bartenders were this generous with the tab. Let's just hope that our kids, saddled with all this debt, don't blame us when they are deciding which old folks home to put us in. But I guess someone has to pay China back for all of the cool wars and bailouts

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama signed a $1.9 trillion increase in the federal government's borrowing limit into law Friday, the White House said.

The debt-limit boost, passed last week by the House of Representatives, brings the total amount the federal government can borrow to $14.3 trillion and will allow the government to function for the rest of the year.


A push for web licenses to use the web

Take away anonymity from the web? Good News: YouTube comment section gets an instant IQ boost Bad News: It's no one's business that we LOVE (with a captial "L") amputee midget fisting

The American blogosphere is going increasingly “viral” about a proposal advanced at the recent meeting of the Davos Economic Forum by Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft, that an equivalent of a “driver’s licence” should be introduced for access to the web. This totalitarian call has been backed by articles and blogs in Time magazine and the New York Times.

