Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Defying Injury, Vonn Wins Gold

Best skier in the galaxy or just the solar system?

With a daring, aggressive run down an unforgiving Olympic downhill course, Lindsey Vonn finally quieted the doubts about her injured shin and her ability to live up to intensive pre-Games hype, winning a gold medal in the first women’s Alpine race of the Vancouver Games on Wednesday.

Vonn soared down Whistler Mountain, taking the most aggressive line of all the top skiers and defying the pain in her bruised shin. When she flew past the finish line and knocked her American teammate Julia Mancuso from the top spot, Vonn fell on her back and threw her arms in the air.

Her time of 1 minute 44.19 seconds beat Mancuso’s by more than half a second, although she nearly wiped out several times in achieving it. Vonn became the first American woman ever to win the Olympic downhill and she and Mancuso provided the first 1-2 finish for American Alpine skiers since 1984.


The 9 Douchiest Things John Mayer Has Ever Said

From Huffington Post:

1) On Dating Black Women:
"My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock. I'm going to start dating separately from my dick."

2) On Finding The Right Woman:
"Like, you need to have them be able to go toe-to-toe with you intellectually. But don't they also have to have a vagina you could pitch a tent on and just camp out on for, like, a weekend? Doesn't that have to be there, too? The Joshua Tree of vaginas? ...I'll be happy when I close out this life-partner thing. Think of how much mental capacity I'm using to meet the right person so I can stop giving a fuck about it."

3) On Perez Hilton:
"I will fuck you in the mouth to shut you up. You are not wilder than me."

4) On Pakistani Comedian Kumail Nanjiani:
"He looked like a brown guy but sounded like a white guy."


RELATED: John Mayer's Playboy Interview Forces A Deep Dive Into His Lyrics

We swear, Lindsay Lohan used to be an actress

Why Google Has Become Microsoft's Evil Twin

Google and Microsoft are mentioned in the same sentence and it's Google that's the evil one. Hear that? Google is such (edited by GOOGLE: Awesome) company

If you work at Google, your ears are surely burning right now. Google's introduction of its Buzz social media tool this week was possibly the most disastrous product debut in the company's 12-year history.

Almost immediately, Google Buzz got smacked around hard by the blogosphere and veteran journos for making it easy to access information -- like who you're in regular contact with -- that people may not have necessarily wanted the rest of the world to know.

What Google Buzz does is essentially mash up two similar but distinct services: Twitter and Facebook. Twitter is very open -- anyone can follow or send messages to anyone else -- but very limited in what people can find out about you. Facebook opens the kimono wider, but offers much more control over what strangers can see. If they don't have your OK, they can't see much (assuming you know how to use FB's privacy settings).


Answering Arguments Against Obama's Nuclear Energy Plan

Prepare for the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters Class of '28

Yesterday, the Obama administration announced its plans to guarantee an $8.3 billion loan to build the first nuclear reactors in three decades. The new initiative is not without its opponents. I think the move is a smart one and defended the effort on a few tv/radio shows since the announcement. Opponents have three common arguments that I think are worth examining, because I don't think they hold up.

50% Probability Of Default

Possibly the strongest-sounding argument against the government guaranteeing nuclear reactor loans comes from a Congressional Budget Office report (.pdf) from back in 2003. It found a 50% probability of default from such loans. Nuclear energy opponents love this finding. After all, a bipartisan Congressional budget authority says it's a bad bet! But it helps to actually read the report and not consider the statistic in a vacuum.


Tiger Woods to break silence on Friday

...but will continue to screw anything that moves until Thursday. Mothers, hide your stripper daughters. Note: the below picture may or may not be spluge

MARANA, Ariz. -- Tiger Woods will end nearly three months of silence Friday when he speaks publicly for the first time since his middle-of-the-night car accident sparked stunning revelations of infidelity.

However, his agent said Woods will not take any questions from a small group of media.

"This is not a press conference," Mark Steinberg said Wednesday, adding Woods will speak about his past and what he plans next, along with apologizing for his behavior.


Sugar May Be Bad But This Sweetener Is Far More Deadly

We would not give this franken-food to our own worst enemy, so, no, we would not give this to John Mayer

Study after study are taking their place in a growing lineup of scientific research demonstrating that consuming high-fructose corn syrup is the fastest way to trash your health. It is now known without a doubt that sugar in your food, in all it's myriad of forms, is taking a devastating toll.

And fructose in any form -- including high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and crystalline fructose -- is the worst of the worst!

Fructose is a major contributor to:

• Insulin resistance and obesity
• Elevated blood pressure
• Elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL
• Depletion of vitamins and minerals
• Cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis and even gout

A Calorie is Not a Calorie
Glucose is the form of energy you were designed to run on. Every cell in your body, every bacterium -- and in fact, every living thing on the Earth--uses glucose for energy.

If you received your fructose only from vegetables and fruits (where it originates) as most people did a century ago, you'd consume about 15 grams per day -- a far cry from the 73 grams per day the typical adolescent gets from sweetened drinks. In vegetables and fruits, it's mixed in with fiber, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and beneficial phytonutrients, all which moderate any negative metabolic effects.
It isn't that fructose itself is bad -- it is the MASSIVE DOSES you're exposed to that make it dangerous.

There are two reasons fructose is so damaging:

1. Your body metabolizes fructose in a much different way than glucose. The entire burden of metabolizing fructose falls on your liver.

2. People are consuming fructose in enormous quantities, which has made the negative effects much more profound.

Today, 55 percent of sweeteners used in food and beverage manufacturing are made from corn, and the number one source of calories in America is soda, in the form of HFCS.


Cigars, Pipes No Safer Than Cigarettes

Crack is still pretty lung-healthy (we hope)

Feb. 16, 2010 -- Switching from cigarettes to cigars or pipes isn’t going to do your lungs any favors. A new study suggests that pipe and cigar smoking may be more harmful than thought.

Researchers say cigarette smoking has declined in recent years, and pipe and cigar smoking have increased, partly because of a misperception that pipes and cigars are safer than cigarettes.


Eye-controlled phone unveiled

It's the EYEphone. Get it? The EYEphone. Nothing? Fuck you

Special electrodes, attached to a set of earphones, are able to pick up the movement of the eye. Eyes have "electrical potential" - positive at the cornea and negative at the retina - and this electrical potential changes depending on the movement of the eyeball. The system works even when a person's eyes are closed.

The earphone electrodes are able to read these changing currents - known as an electrooculogram - and the mobile phone is pre-programmed to translate that information in to a command. So a user can make or receive a call, simply by moving their eyes to the right, then to the left, then back to the right again.


The Great Reagan Legacy?

Does nostalgia create myth?

Ronald Reagan brought presidential deception to a whole new level. Famous for his sound-bytes, Reagan provided adoring republicans all they needed to know about their “say one thing and do another” sort of president.

It was Mr. Reagan who promised to get government off the backs of Americans and their entrepreneurs. It was Reagan who said that government was not the solution to our problems, it was the problem.

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language,” said Reagan, are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” (Please note that’s ten words, not nine, but Reagan rarely researched the written material given him, but did practice his delivery.)

Was it Reagan, who joked, “If it moves tax it. If it keeps moving regulate it. And, if it stops moving, subsidize it.”?

The Great Communicator talked a good game, but did little to improve our lives; and, he had eight years in which to do it. The Reagan promises to inaugurate a new era of liberty and free markets, were worse than empty promises, Reagan assaulted our liberty, our future prosperity, and free markets with unprecedented spending, increased taxes, more governmental regulations, bigger bureaucracies, and unwise trade policies.


More naked Snooki...

...because Western Civilization has to die a little bit more

VIDEO: Sarah Palin vs "Family Guy"

Our theory as to why no one but Rush Limbaugh can use the word "Retard." Sarah and Rush are secret lovers and "Retard" is his pet name for her.

Kevin Smith Challenges Southwest: Bring Airline Seat To Daily Show And I'll Sit In It

Kevin Smith continues to insist he is NOT too fat to fly Southwest Air. The airline removed him from a flight Saturday after deeming him a safety risk, even though he says he was seated with the armrests down and seat belt buckled.

Smith says the airline made a mistake in trying to board him as a standby passenger then giving him the boot.

The Southwest rep who called Smith to apologize for his mistreatment, a woman named Linda, admitted that the situation was clumsily handled and that Smith was removed because they were trying to find room for a fatter passenger who had already purchased two seats. Linda wrote on Southwest's blog:

Now, 48 hours later, after talking to many involved, we know there were several things going on that day and that our Employees were doing their best to get his flight out safely and on time, including finding seats for everyone and trying to accommodate standby passengers. The Captain did not single Kevin out to be removed, but he did ask that the boarding be completed quickly. At that time, our Employees made the decision to remove Kevin after a quick judgment call that he might have needed more than one seat for his comfort and those seated next to him.

Smith accepted Linda's apology but took issue with her blog post, which did not go so far as to say his weight was not the reason he was taken off the flight. He blogged about their circular phone conversation, which went something like this:

"Linda - there's nothing about me not being Too Fat To Fly," I said.
"The people around you said they had to lean over to make room for you," Linda offered.
"Linda, they didn't! The older lady was leaning against the window like she was gonna nap, and the lady to my left was already leaning toward the aisle. I would never pick a seat that might possibly make me look even fatter because I don't fit in it or something."
"That's the report I have," she continued, then sighed and added "This is so embarrassing to talk about."
"Wait - what people around me?" I asked.
"The people seated next to you."
"You guys went to their houses and interviewed them?"
"Then where'd that statement come from?"
"Others people around you."
"Linda, there was nobody but me, the two ladies, and Suzanne. Are you telling me this is Suzanne's report?"
"The report we received said the ladies were leaning away from you."
"They were already leaning when I sat down! They didn't lean because of me! I even asked them both if I was a problem. But you said you took their statements, and now you're saying they weren't interviewed at all. You said we'd get to the bottom of who made the decision to boot me, since it WASN'T the Pilot."

And Linda apologized and pointed out the blog apologies for putting me on and taking me off the plane, as well as the refunded fares.

Smith would like the chance to prove on national television he was not ejected for being too fat, and he may do it on the Daily Show, although he would have to fly to New York.

"Hey @SouthwestAir: you bring that same row of seats to the DailyShow, and I'll sit in 'em for all to see on TV," he tweeted. "If I don't fit, I'll donate $10k to charity of your choice. But when I do (& buckle the belt as well)? 1) You admit you lied. 2) Change your policy, or at least re-train your staff to be a lot more human & a lot less corporate when they pull a poor girl off the plane & shame her."


RELATED: What Kevin Smith means for the future of PR

Officer's Facebook post draws gun rights fire

Bad cop! No donut for you!

Rod Tuason has become the latest person to learn that it's not very wise to post threats, especially ones involving killing someone, on a Facebook page believed to be private.

Tuason is an East Palo Alto police detective who allegedly posted a note on Facebook threatening to kill anyone he found openly carrying a handgun, even if that person was carrying it legally. The alleged note has led to an outcry from Second Amendment advocacy groups, the creation of an anti-Tuason Facebook group, and an internal police investigation.

Under California law, it's generally legal for residents to carry handguns openly, as long as they're unloaded. But Tuason allegedly posted that if he had seen someone exercising their right to bear arms, he would have "pulled the AR out and prone them all out! And if one of them made a furtive movement ... 2 weeks off!!!"

That appears to be a reference to two weeks of desk duty following an investigation of an officer for discharging a weapon.


Poll: Majority Don't Think Prez Deserves Second Term

Americans don't like it when they vote for Hope and Change and get Bush part 2: Electric Bugaloo

Do you think Barack Obama deserves to be re-elected, or not?

If you're like most Americans, your answer is "No," according to a poll released on Tuesday by CNN. The perception was even worse for members of Congress nationwide -- but respondents still indicated they were likely to reelect their current Representative.

With identical numbers for all Americans as well as for just registered voters, 52 percent said the President does not deserve to be re-elected, while 44 percent said that he does. Four percent had no opinion.

Respondents indicated the lowest opinions of Congress dating back to the start of the poll in 1991.

"This is not a good year to be an incumbent, regardless of which party you belong to," CNN polling director Keating Holland told the network. "Voters seem equally angry at both Republicans and Democrats this year."


When the Recession strikes: Scarlett Johansson loses millions on house sale

She can live with us...but, sorry, no clothes allowed at Casa CoOlDiGgY. It's a new rule

Scarlett Johansson is set for a massive loss on the sale of her Los Angeles mansion - she's dropped the price of her Hollywood Hills home by $2 million.

The actress, who married Ryan Reynolds in 2008, bought the four-bedroom Spanish-style property for $7 million in 2007.

Read More:

Another Recall? Corolla's steering woes

Our old-school American car-buying dads are laughing from their mechanic's

TOKYO – Toyota is considering a recall of its hot-selling Corolla subcompact after complaints about power steering problems — another blow to the world's largest automaker already reeling from a string of recalls for safety problems.

Company President Akio Toyoda, meanwhile, said he won't be attending the U.S. congressional hearing on the automaker's safety lapses, entrusting the job to U.S.-based executives — though he did say he would consider appearing if summoned. He said he wanted to focus his energies on improving quality worldwide.


Michael Jordan to buy Bobcats?

We're still trying to be like Mike but we're more like Urkel. BTW, today's MJ's birthday

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (AP) — Michael Jordan has been called the NBA's greatest player, a supreme competitor and top pitchman.

Jordan soon could have a much different role: team owner.

Charlotte coach Larry Brown said Monday night that Jordan has told him he's doing all he can to buy majority control of the Bobcats from owner Bob Johnson.

"He said he's doing his best to put himself in a position to get the team," Brown said after practice. "He wants it badly."


Rising tide of suburban homeless across U.S.

Are we waking up from the American Dream?

ROOSEVELT, N.Y. - Homelessness in rural and suburban America is straining shelters this winter as the economy founders and joblessness hovers near double digits — a “perfect storm of foreclosures, unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing,” in one official’s eyes.

“We are seeing many families that never before sought government help,” said Greg Blass, commissioner of Social Services in Suffolk County on eastern Long Island.

“We see a spiral in food stamps, heating assistance applications; Medicaid is skyrocketing,” Blass added. “It is truly reaching a stage of being alarming.”


The CoOlDiGgY Olympics Daily Rundown

*The other Lindsey and her latest epic fail

*The Medal Count: US no longer on top

*Plushenko nails short program, emerges as favorite in men's figure skating

*Please stop calling it "VONN"-couver, seriously

*US spanks Russia in hockey 13-0

*Shaun White out to master 'Double McTwist 1260'

*The Goose: US Women's Curling team loses to Japan

*The Gander: U.S. men's curling off to rocky start

Jay Leno's Band Leader Kevin Eubanks May Leave 'Tonight Show'

Because going back to this... better than having to go back to a Jay Leno Tonight Show

Jay Leno's bandleader Kevin Eubanks is looking for a change of scenery.

NBC said Tuesday that Eubanks would return to "The Tonight Show" when Leno starts hosting again on March 1, but after that, they say has expressed interest in personal touring and recording.

There are already rumors as to who might replace Eubanks. As Fox411 reported Tuesday, former Hootie and the Blowfish lead singer Darius Rucker is not interested in the gig, according to his publicist.

Eubanks, 52, has been with "The Tonight Show" since Leno took over from Johnny Carson in 1992. He replaced Branford Marsalis as band director in 1995.


Stimulus funds going to slashed programs

We know that the Stim (as the kids call it) was mostly a good thing but, on this 1-year anniversary, there was a lot of waste and Kourtney Kardashian-level uselessness. Up next, HD-DVD's for everybody.

WASHINGTON — More than $3.5 billion in economic stimulus funds are going to programs that President Obama wants to eliminate or trim in his new budget.

The president's budget released this month recommends getting rid of Army Corps of Engineers' drinking-water projects, which got $200 million in stimulus funds, and a U.S. Department of Agriculture flood-prevention program, which received $290 million from the stimulus, a USA TODAY review of stimulus spending reports show.

The administration's budget plan says the corps and USDA programs are inefficient and duplicate similar, more effective work by other agencies. The proposed cuts indicate the programs shouldn't have gotten money from the $862 billion stimulus package, said Tom Schatz of the non-partisan budget watchdog Citizens Against Government Waste.

"It's certainly inconsistent, and it would have been better to have this realization a year ago," Schatz said. "But if inconsistency means they're going to cut the programs, it's OK. It's the other way around that bothers us."


CoOlDiGgY celebrates Black History Month: Tyra Banks

Definitely history. Let's remember a simpler time, long ago, when we knew Ms. Banks for being hot and not for her horrible TV shows

TSA takes explosives screening to fliers

We're only one step away from this...

WASHINGTON — Airport screeners for the first time will begin roving through airports taking chemical swabs from passengers and their bags to check for explosives, the Transportation Security Administration said Tuesday.

The program, already tested at five airports after the attempted Christmas Day bomb plot on a U.S.-bound airliner, begins nationwide in a few weeks, TSA spokeswoman Sterling Payne said. Screeners will push carts with bomb-detection machines around airport gates and checkpoint lines to randomly check passengers' hands and carry-on bags for explosive residue.

Metal detectors now used at checkpoints can't spot materials such as the powdered explosives that bombing suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly hid in his underwear to get through a checkpoint in Amsterdam's airport.


'Proposal' at Sunday's New York Rangers' win is exposed as fake

But this looked sooooooo authentic

Showing that the Rangers' wit is about as razor-sharp as their 10th-place hockey team, that fan marriage proposal gone horribly wrong on Sunday at the Garden turned out Monday to be a wisecrack gone dismally right.

When a woman sitting at the Seventh Ave. end during Sunday's Rangers-Lightning walked out of the arena on a man who ostensibly had asked her to marry him on the Gardenvision screen, it looked like a brutal turn in a relationship played out in agonizing public view.

In fact, a source said Monday, it was an inside joke cooked up by game-presentation staff and carried out by paid actors who are, in real life, engaged.

Read more:


Most Germans want Greece thrown out of Euro

...or else

The scale of public resistance throughout Europe to a potential Greek bail-out has become clear as it emerged that the majority of Germans think the Mediterranean nation should be thrown out of the euro if its problems deepen.

A poll for popular newspaper Bild am Sonntag found that 53pc of Germans wanted Greece to be expelled from the euro if necessary in the coming months. Two-thirds were adamantly against German money being put towards a bail-out of the troubled country, the paper also found.

The findings underline the dilemma faced by eurozone ministers, who last week pledged to support the country if necessary, but stopped short of unveiling an explicit bail-out. The euro fell to nine-month lows on Friday, and many expect further falls this week, as investors expressed disappointment that ministers had failed to set out a detailed plan of action to prevent the country from defaulting.

