Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the big story (late edition)

What, Waxman Worry?

Congressman Henry Waxman of California, as Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, doesn't waste his time on the silly little issues of Wall Street corruption, the chemtrailing in his own district, or Gitmo. No, Mr. Waxman focuses on what matters most to Americans - tobacco use in Major League baseball

California Democratic Congressman Henry Waxman is determined to deal with the really big problem facing Americans, today: It’s major league ballplayers, who chew or dip tobacco during ball games.

And while Waxman may be one of the homeliest guys in congress (Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Levin, Specter, Frank, and Lieberman notwithstanding), the man is all raw courage.

Like a hard nosed middle linebacker, Waxman is tackling a problem of enormous proportions: It’s baseball players who honor the century old American tradition of playing ball with a chew in one one of their cheeks.

The prospect of dropping atomic bombs on the largely defenseless nation of Iran is too small a problem for the diligent Waxman to concern himself with, as was the greatest financial heist in recorded history, known as the banker bail-out bill, which Mr. Waxman merely voted for.

Vaccines that give our children autism is child’s play for Waxman; instead, he’s going after the really big game – our major league ball-players. As I’ve said, the man knows no fear.

Don’t talk to Waxman about Americans who have lost their homes, cars, savings, and jobs, those are problems best left to those without the courage of a Henry Waxman.

Leave it to lesser souls to tell us what our government has been spraying us with for over a decade. Chemtrails (Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering) that, at least, contains toxic barium and aluminum, is a governmental secret that Waxman is far too important and busy to tell us about.


*RELATED: Waxman Cancels Health Reform Hearing

Tax Day
Why an Income Tax is Not Necessary
to Fund the U.S. Government

Can this statement possibly be true? In order to answer this question, Americans must first understand what is the source of the money that funds the government and where it goes. Contrary to the sound bites issued by the two mainstream political parties, the reality of how the system actually works will not only open your eyes, but hopefully stimulate the American people to demand that the thievery underway come to an end.

Where do your "income" tax dollars go?

The best place to look for an answer to this question would be a government report, so let's take just one at random:

President's Private Sector Survey On Cost Control
A Report to The President (Reagan)

January 15, 1984. Available from the Congressional Research Service.
The excerpt below can be found on page 12.

*"Importantly, any meaningful increases in taxes from personal income would have to come from lower and middle income families, as 90% of all personal taxable income is generated below the taxable income level of $35,000.

*Further, there isn't much more that can be extracted from high income brackets. If the Government took 100% of all taxable income beyond the $75,000 tax bracket not already taxed, it would get only $17 billion, and this confiscation, which would destroy productive enterprise, would only be sufficient to run the Government for several days.

*Resistance to additional income taxes would be even more widespread if people were aware that:

* With two-thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Government contributions to transfer payments.

*In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their government."

So what we have is a central bank issuing worthless paper "money" that controls our economy, our lives and our future. This private banking cartel was unconstitutionally granted this power by a devious, scheming group of senators back in 1913. In essence what they did was place the American people into indentured servitude by forcing The People to pay usury on worthless fiat currency (paper money created out of nothing), not to fund the government, but to enrich the bankers and fund wars in which America should never be involved. This system exists not to fund the government, but to allow the U.S. Congress carte blanche power to continue funding unconstitutional agencies and programs by providing them with a bottomless source of worthless ink.

The National Debt and the Deficit

These two little bookkeeping items are not the same thing. Few Americans actually know the difference, but the difference is quite important. We continually hear members of Congress, president after president, and political pundits call for "reduction in the debt." But what does that really mean? Here's how it works in the most simplified way to fit into this document:

Let's say that for 2002, Congress and the President decide they want $1.7 trillion dollars to fund this bloated pig called our government. We know that 100% of all personal "income" taxes extorted by the IRS goes to the "Federal" Reserve Banking System and does not fund a single function of the government. So, let's take the people's blood and sweat off the table.


*VIDEO: Why we pay income tax

*RELATED: Tax Freedom Day - Taxpayers have finally earned enough to pay their taxes

*Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve

*RELATED: The Grace Commission - 100% of Income Tax Goes to privately-owned Federal Reserve

CoOlDiGgY news (late edition)

Foreclosures Up Sharply Despite Loan Mod Program

Just in time for spring, next wave of foreclosure crisis gets rolling

The number of U.S. households caught in the foreclosure process during the first quarter jumped 7% from the prior quarter as activity increased sharply in March, a real estate firm will report Thursday.

Filings involving the later stages of foreclosure rose compared with the same period last year, according to RealtyTrac of Irvine, indicating that banks were beginning to repossess properties at a faster clip despite the Obama administration's push to help borrowers.


*US jobless claims make surprise rise

*Nine Myths about Socialism in the US

*Venezuela, Iran and Russia: Virus as the New Axis of Evil

*The Poll Democrats Need to Know About: Why Democrats So Often Act Like Republicans

*Kagan gets fire from left as potential pick for court

*Greens launch NAFTA action on Canada oil sands

*Jailed UBS Whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld Makes Tax Day Clemency Request to President Obama

Jordan's King Says Israel-Hezbollah-Lebanon War "Imminent"

Congressman Adam Schiff hosted a "Members Only" meeting of the 'Congressional Friends of Jordan Caucus' in the US House of Representatives this morning in the CVC Congressional Meeting Room with Jordan's King Abdullah II.

According to one attendee in the session, "the King's message was sobering."

King Abdullah seemed significantly concerned that conflict was about to break out again between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

One congressional source told me that the word the King used was 'imminent' with regard to the potential outbreak of war.

On many levels, this is extremely worrisome. Hezbollah is now integrated into Lebanon's parliament and interacting with countries like France at all levels of government. An Israeli-Lebanon War could preempt the normalization track the United States is pursuing with Syria.


*Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%

*Birth Tourism: More Foreign Mothers Live Abroad to Give Birth on U.S. Soil, Debate Over 14th Amendment

*McCain: US Should "Pull the Trigger" on Iran

*Smoking Gun: Bettie Page - FBI Consultant

*Taxes slightly lower this year but increases on the way from states, health reform, fees, more

*Civil rights icon Benjamin L. Hooks dies at 85

*Austerity coming to Portugal

*In UK, it's Labour's austerity versus Tory's giveaways

*Volcanic ash from Iceland forces cancellation of flights, disrupts travel for thousands

*The Icelandic Banking Volcano: Icelandic banking report reveals greed, ‘extreme negligence’

*Atlantic Garbage Patch: Pacific Gyre Is Not Alone

*UC a tougher bet this year for Californians, with 10,700 wait-listed

*DWP may weasel in a rate increase
the Girls of CoOlDiGgY tm

(coming soon)

the fairer sex

Happy Birthday, Samantha Fox

Samantha Fox was way ahead of her time and still is. She actually followed through with her sexpot image instead of the Sears catalog sexy we have from today's starlets. She was this sexual creature who exuded sex in her music, her nude photo spreads, and her flirty nature but tween girls loved her and moms sang along to "Naughty Girls Need Love, Too" and "Touch Me." We had money in the 1980's so we didn't waste our time being prudes. And what little puberty we did go through here at CoOlDiGgY is because of Samantha Fox. Happy Birthday, Ms. Fox

girl blurbs married to Larry King
*We have been bigger fans of Kate Hudson lately: In March Kate finally got implants already

*One will marry Liz Taylor, the other Larry King: Melissa and Tammy Etheridge Separate

*The old DUI excuse: Lindsay Lohan bails on depo for traffic school

*Police State: Tiger Woods alleged mistress arrested for warrant of driving without license - $26,000 bail!

*Former Bush Press Secretary, Dana Perino hits the runway. She's on the right

the random

Ashley Dupre - NOT tax deductible. HERE's the FULL SPREAD

CoOlDiGgY tech & media (late edition)

Obama Administration Wants To See Your Email

Google backs Yahoo in privacy fight with DOJ

Google and an alliance of privacy groups have come to Yahoo's aid by helping the Web portal fend off a broad request from the U.S. Department of Justice for e-mail messages, CNET has learned.

In a brief filed Tuesday afternoon, the coalition says a search warrant signed by a judge is necessary before the FBI or other police agencies can read the contents of Yahoo Mail messages--a position that puts those companies directly at odds with the Obama administration.

Yahoo has been quietly fighting prosecutors' requests in front of a federal judge in Colorado, with many documents filed under seal. Tuesday's brief from Google and the other groups aims to buttress Yahoo's position by saying users who store their e-mail in the cloud enjoy a reasonable expectation of privacy that is protected by the U.S. Constitution.

"Society expects and relies on the privacy of e-mail messages just as it relies on the privacy of the telephone system," the friend-of-the-court brief says. "Indeed, the largest e-mail services are popular precisely because they offer users huge amounts of computer disk space in the Internet 'cloud' within which users can warehouse their e-mails for perpetual storage."

The coalition also includes the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Center for Democracy and Technology, the Progress and Freedom Foundation, the Computer and Communications Industry Association, and TRUSTe.


*Obama: Orion spacecraft still a go

*YouTube now gone Orwellian – Now requires SMS from every new Registrant

*More Staff Leave Infinity Ward

*Are Franchises Killing Gaming? How the biggest and brightest games strangle the market with both hands

*Is American Idol trying to get Paula Abdul back?

*Now Whedon's Rewriting Another Marvel Movie Too?

All Tweets Since 2006 to be Acquired and Archived by Govt & Google

The US Library of Congress announced a major new acquisition: it will be obtaining all public tweets dating back to March 2006.

Appropriately, the library spilled the news on Twitter via the official Library of Congress account (@LibraryCongress). The tweet read, "Library to acquire ENTIRE Twitter archive -- ALL public tweets, ever, since March 2006! Details to follow."


RELATED: Watch What You Tweet: Google's Archiving

*Rebellion Brews as Apple CEO Steve Jobs May Face Backlash for Arrogance

*Israel to Apple: iPad Imports Not Kosher

*EPA Guidelines on Air Quality Would Force More Rural States to Clamp Down on Emissions from Industry, Cars

*More Americans Cutting the Cord on Pay TV

*Recent ads by big companies go awry, spark controversy

sports & health

Is Baseball Too Slow?

MINNEAPOLIS (AP)—If Hank Aaron and Joe Torre never had to step out of the batter’s box during their playing days, baseball commissioner Bud Selig doesn’t see why Dustin Pedroia(notes) and Derek Jeter(notes) have to be any different.

In response to a question about umpire Joe West’s public criticism of the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees, Selig said Monday that Major League Baseball is looking at ways to keep play moving at a reasonable rate.

“It’s the pace of the game is what one has to look at,” said Selig, who attended the grand opening of the Minnesota Twins’ new ballpark. “The sport is so popular now that we just ought to do everything we can to make sure we’re doing what we can.”

Last week West told the Record of New Jersey that the Yankees and Red Sox were “pathetic and embarrassing” for dragging out games during their season-opening series. The public criticism rankled members of both teams, who routinely play games on national television that last longer than the typical contest.

Longer commercial breaks, veteran hitters who work deep into counts and players who like to step out of the box regularly to adjust batting gloves, check signs and take a breath all contribute to pushing games well past 3 hours.


*NHL Play-offs: First Round Breakdown

*Jeff Garcia open to returning to Eagles

*NFL sets schedule release date

*HEALTH: What is Codex Alimentarius?

the frivolous

Seacrest Out-Of-It

In past "American Idol" seasons, viewers looked to Paula Abdul to supply the show's requisite loopy comedy and awkward moments. But now, with Paula gone, host Ryan Seacrest seems to have stepped into that buffoon role, exhibiting increasingly bizarre behavior all season long. Until this week, his oddest antics had occurred when sparring with Simon Cowell (seriously, the two of them have practically come to blows during their "witty" banter). But on Tuesday's Elvis Night episode, Ryan took his cray-cray shenanigans to a whole new level--or more specifically, a new low--thus setting the blogosphere and Twitterverse ablaze.

For instance, while Tim Urban (suddenly nicknamed "Turban" by Ryan) was performing "Can't Help Falling in Love," Ryan started slow-dancing in the aisles with a stocky male audience member, nearly throwing Tim off-track. The cameras never shot a close-up of this same-sex dancing duo, but Ryan later claimed that his partner had been Season 8 finalist Michael Sarver--a revelation that was met with a smattering of amused applause.

However, the next morning, a confused Michael Sarver tweeted that he hadn't actually attended the taping. (It turned out the beefy gentleman was a friend of contestant Lee Dewyze.) Reports from the scene later revealed that Ryan also danced a solo jig during Andrew Garcia's "Hound Dog" number and played air guitar to Lee's "A Little Less Conversation" performance on Tuesday.

Also, while interviewing guest mentor Adam Lambert--who had reassured skittish viewers, via his Twitter, that his stint on the show this week would be "beyond family-friendly"--Ryan tossed out some not-exactly-family-friendly double entendres. Most notable, and most icky, was the remark, "My tongue's not as talented as yours." Um, okay. Awkward.

But the weirdest Ryan incident had to be when he quite straightfacedly announced that next week's "Idol Gives Back" charity special would be co-hosted by his former cohort, Brian Dunkleman, who left "American Idol" after Season 1 and has since pretty much vanished into obscurity. The surprising news of Brian's return to the "Idol" stage elicited delighted gasps and cheers from the live studio audience...before Ryan revealed that he was just kidding. And no one laughed. Considering how Ryan's star has risen since he started hosting "Idol" on his own, while Brian's career has completely stalled, such a joke at Brian's expense seemed nasty and totally uncalled-for.


the big story

G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails

Real or conspiracy?

*RELATED: US Patent 5,003,186 and Howard Hughes Company’s Climate Change Fight
(editor's note: includes numerous links from various mainstream news sources)

*RELATED: AUDIO: Chemical Spraying and Memory Fading

(note: How to differentiate a chemtrail from a condensation trail-
To people unfamiliar with this subject it comes as a surprise that most people living in cities don’t look up. If you live in a city all you need do is look up for a few minutes each day for a couple of days and you’ll spot the streaks in the sky and the odd plane spewing out chemtrails among commercial planes (that have ordinary contrails behind them). Sometimes the skies are absolutely saturated with trails criss-crossing each other miles long and the public don’t notice a thing, even if they are told to look up. These chemtrails expand out forming large artificial clouds. If a number of chemtrails are sprayed the sky looks like a milky blanket. Normal condensation trails from ordinary planes are relatively short and evaporate soon afterwards as they are merely condensation not made up of chemicals or particles like the military planes sprayed in Germany and the UK.)

CoOlDiGgY news

75% Of Homeowners In Obama's Plan Still Owe More Than Their Homes Are Worth

Obama plan has failed to do anything for most of the underwater mortgages that qualify for Administration's program

More than three-quarters of homeowners who have had their monthly mortgage payments reduced under the Obama administration's primary foreclosure-prevention program owe more on their mortgage than their house is worth, according to a new report by government auditors.

Over half of the roughly 170,000 distressed borrowers who have gone through the program are seriously underwater, meaning they have negative equity of at least 25 percent, the report shows, citing data through February. In other words, for every $1.00 their home is worth, they owe at least $1.25.

The average homeowner that's received a five-year modified mortgage under the administration's plan had negative equity of about 35 percent prior to the program, according to a Wednesday report by the Congressional Oversight Panel, a federal bailout watchdog. After modification, that burden actually increased for the average homeowner, who is now underwater by more than 43 percent, according to the bailout watchdog's report. Research shows that the more under water homeowners are, the more likely they are to fall behind on payments, default, or walk away.

But that data understates the problem, the report said. Those figures are for first-lien home mortgages only. Debt owed on junior liens, like second liens and home equity lines, isn't part of that calculation. The Obama administration estimated last April that "up to 50 percent of at-risk mortgages currently have second liens."


*Belarus “invaded by NATO from Ukraine”

*Arizona passes strict illegal immigration act

*Was Obama Nuke Summit Necessary or Just “Nuclear Alarmism”? And What About Israel’s Arsenal?

*When the Army Uses "Enhanced Interrogation" on an American Soldier

*Nebraska Law Sets Limits on Abortion

*Obama bicycle policy hits potholes

*Big Banks Draw Profits From Microloans to Poor

*Yemen Refuses to Go Along with US Extrajudicial Killing Policy

*Scandal over Israeli army’s illegal operations

the Girls of CoOlDiGgY tm

(coming soon)

the fairer sex

can you tell the difference?
Alexa Ray Joel or Lisa Goldstein

Lisa Goldstein stars in the CW's teen drama One Tree Hill so you probably don't know her. Alexa Ray Joel is child of piano man Billy Joel, and probably will inherit all that We Didn't Start the Fire money, so you probably want to know her. But we here at CoOlDiGgY can't tell them apart. Most of us here in the office (aka Bubbe's garage off Fairfax) look like Fyvush Finkel and get all the perks that go with it. So play the game Alexa Ray or Lisa. See how many you get right, answers on the bottom

1)Alexa Ray 2)Lisa 3)Lisa 4)Alexa Ray 5)Lisa 6)Alexa Ray 7)Alexa Ray 8)Alexa Ray 9)Lisa 10)Alexa Ray 11)Lisa 12)Lisa

girl blurbs 3 days sober not counting drugs and booze

*Who needs Playboy: Allure Magazine has Catherine Zeta-Jones and other famous hotties naked

*She does look like Octo Mom: Angelina Jolie Is Pregnant Again?

*He was just acting out Mad Men: Heidi Montag suing The Hills creator for sexual harrassment

*Desperate not to get slapped: the Housewives defend Marc "Pimp Hand" Cherry's alleged assault of Nicollette Sheridan

*They tried to make her go to rehab but...Whitney Houston starts Euro tour

*Small testicles get all the girls: Cameron Diaz secretly dating juicer A-Rod

*Kat's cat: Katherine McPhee and her camel toe

*Wicked RetAHded: Audition for MTV's Boston version of Jersey Shore called Wicked Summer. Go Sox

*VIDEO: Kate Plus "No Options": she says reality shows are all she can do

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

the random

Tila Tequila innocently ties her shoes, unaware that anyone is there

CoOlDiGgY tech & media

Turning Web Retailers into Tax Snitches

Internet users accustomed to tax-free online shopping may soon be in for an unpleasant surprise: new laws that will force them to cough up more cash every year on April 15.

An increasing number of politicians, concerned with shrinking budgets and eyeing continuing growth in e-commerce, want to force out-of-state retailers like,, and Blue Nile to tattle to tax collectors about how much in sales taxes their customers have avoided paying.

At the moment, for instance, Amazon customers in California don't pay sales tax but are supposed to voluntarily write a check for the full amount on tax day--the concept is called a "use tax." Few people do. Tax collectors view it as a loophole that can be closed by requiring Amazon to share customer data with the government.

"This is Big Brother--it's the purchasing police," says Steve DelBianco, executive director of NetChoice, which counts eBay,, and Yahoo as members and says the proposals are probably unconstitutional.


*Steve Jobs: Apps cannot have “Pad” in their names, we own that term!

*GM viruses offer hope of future where energy is unlimited

*Kids on YouTube: How much is too much?

*American Idol Music Director Rickey Minor To Replace Eubanks Tonight Show


*HBO Renews "Treme" After First Episode

sports & health

Doc Leaving Celts?

It is quite possible Doc Rivers is nearing the end of his run as coach of the Celtics. Sources have told the Herald that he is leaning toward leaving the bench after this season, but Rivers insisted yesterday no final decision has been made.


*Jets fan trying to revive 'Spygate' suit against Patriots in federal appeals court

*Tiger sends in entry form for US Open

*Roethlisberger, Goodell meet in NY

*Seahawks tell Leroy Hill to stay home

*VIDEO: Drunk Jerry Jones Bad-Mouths Bill Parcells and Tim Tebow

the frivolous (late edition)

Spiltsville Wednesday for Tiger, Mel, and Larry King

*Entertainment Tonight: Elin to divorce Tiger

*Larry King wife files for divorce after he cheats with her sister

*Famous Anti-Semite, Mel Gibson and baby-mama Oksana Grigorieva split

Charlie Sheen: Master of Disguise

April 14, 2010, (Sawf News) - Charlie Sheen has reportedly been cheating on wife Brooke Mueller with a lingerie model who also part times as a paid escort, reports In Touch magazine.

Charlie, who is undergoing rehab at a private facility in Malibu, was spotted visiting Angelina Tracy at her Studio City home in disguise - wearing a hooded sweat shirt, dark sunglasses and a fake moustache.

On April 7, Charlie is reported to have spent an hour at her apartment, leaving around 3 PM.

"He ran down to his car," says an onlooker. "It seemed like he wanted to leave as quickly as possible."

Tracy charges $3,000 an hour when she works as a paid escort using the name Nina.

On an earlier occasion, Tracy was seen running down the stairs and jumping into Charlie's chauffer driven Mercedes-Benz.

"Charlie had a bouquet of flowers waiting for her, and her face lit up when he handed them to her," says an eyewitness. "You could see them kissing on the lips." The eyewitness believes Charlie gave Tracy some more gifts in the car - "maybe clothes or lingerie."

