Our regular feature of an old crank's observations before senility fully sets in.
- Bill Maher confuses smugness with intelligence
- Conservatives could have the entire nation against health care reform with one argument: "Money will be taken out of your paycheck and given to health insurance companies" But, instead, they call it "government take over of health care" or "socialized medicine." This bill is neither. This bill is bad for different reasons than the Republicans are saying but they are telling easier discredited lies, giving further credibility to Obamacare. And have added 100 amendments. Smells weird to me but I think that the GOP is secretly angling for this Health Insurance bailout bill to pass. And it will and you will pay big time. Watch
- Nomar retiring as a Red Sox was something else
- Kristen Stewart is dead in the eyes. She's just "Twilight" hype and will be forgotten when the film series ends
- Love Macs, hate Mac idolatry
- I loved "Hurt Locker" but it is NOT the best picture of 2009. It was actually a little racist in the way the Iraqi characters were just set dressing. Also, not having a political point of view isn't daring, it's cowardice
- "The Blind Side" is a little racist, too. The inner city doesn't need a white lady to save them. The inner city needs white people to stop voting bad politics
- Baseball is quickly becoming culturally irrelevant
- Privacy is for everyone, if you don't believe me, then let me watch you shit
- Any man that would let his kids go through a body scanner is a sad sack
- MSNBC is not liberal, it is a corporate-controlled etiquette class
- Fox News makes dis-empowered men feel better but it is not news
- CNN is only good for covering natural disasters
- Russia Today and Bloomberg may be the only good sources of Cable News
- This recession needs to get harder on those who like reality shows about fake celebrities
- Universal college would actually save us money. But Americans like doing things the hard way because it makes feel like cowboys
- Hate to break it to you mainstream liberals but you are now to Obama as the neo-cons were to Bush. You have foresaked your values in the name of your "leader"
- Hate to break it to you mainstream conservatives but all of your 2012 hopefuls are compromised by the same folks that currently control Obama
- "Throw your vote away" and vote for who you believe in
- No industrial policy, no recovery. No protectionism, no recovery. No exporting finished goods, no recovery. No infrastructure, no recovery
- Cap-and-trade is the policy equivalent to a swear jar
- LA Mayor Villaraigosa is turning into something awful. He's becoming every bad big city mayor stereotype and every Los Angeles stereotype
- The "MS" in MSNBC is "MicroSoft" and the "NBC" is owned by GE and Comcast. How is this "liberal" again?
- Fox News should be outraged by Fox TV. I'm beginning to think cable news is like professional wrestling
- The Eric Messa story is making the press look silly. Plus, has anyone brought up the fact that Rahm Emanuel walks around nude and pokes people in showers? The press has buried the lead here and went with the silly. Typical
- Perception always beats reality: no one remembers that Madonna also kissed Christina Aguliera when she kissed Britney Spears
- The "Lost Generation" will change the world. They may be up there with the Founding Fathers' generation if Texas doesn't change the books
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