Saturday, March 27, 2010

Old Man Yells At Cloud

Our regular feature of an old crank's observations before senility fully sets in.

  • Okay, the whole 9/11 Truth "debate" - the "they" are now saying that 9/11 Truth is a right wing movement. Let me tell you something - having doubts about any official story is the most American of duties. PERIOD. But let's travel down this road, shall we? I remember when liberal radio host Randi Rhodes would dedicate entire shows to the inconsistancies of the official story and was a huge part of the suspicious role that VP Dick Cheney took on that horrible day. Another high-profile liberal, Thom Hartmann, would host debates on the various 9/11 conspiracies. It was so commonplace on left wing radio to question 9/11 that "Truthers" were once called liberal. Liberals would openly bring up the idea that 9/11 was a false flag attack and radio liberals and bloggers brought up the idea that the neocon PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and their desire for a "new Pearl Harbor" was the proof for 9/11 as an inside job. It is still mainstream for folks to posit that 9/11 was a rather too convienent justification for the invasion of Iraq. It was the left that got the ball rolling on the 9/11 Commisssion. It was the left that was steamed that Bush and Cheney's testimony would be kept secret and without being sworn in. It was the left that made the stink about the "Downing Street Memo." But wait, there's more: the highest grossing documentary of all time was Farenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. The whole point of the film was to shine a spotlight on the 9/11 oddities. But here we are with our Freaky Friday politics: We all change our values depending on whether "our team" is in the White House. In truth, the left is now effectively protecting George W. Bush now.
  • All of you conservatives out there. Here's a piece of free PR advice. Stop calling it "Obama Care." Barack Obama is the most popular politician in the country. Half of Americans like him. He's more popular the the actual health care law. So you are boosting the appeal of health care. You all have to stop preaching to the choir. It's like calling something gross like rat shit stew something cool like Santa Claus candy sprinkles. Call it Harry Reid care, he's at 8 percent.
  • Another thing. Stop calling everything "Socialism." First, all of the controversial Obama (just like Bush) endeavors are corporate Fascist. But aside from that, when you call things people love (Social Security, schools, the fire department) Socialism, you make Socialism look good. A third of the youth are actually comfortable with the big "S." Socialism is always the go-to ideology for the poor during times of economic stress. Socialist candidates during the Great Depression were national contenders. And during the Cold War, citizens from all over the world would choose the Socialist and then the US would have to go in and bomb them into they changed their minds. Conservatives are still using old school arguments and are still expecting to get an old school response.
  • "Hot Tub Time Machine" is really funny and clever. Go figure.
  • I don't get Eric Cantor's point - in anything
  • Don't tell Obama supporters but this new health care law is Mitt Romney's idea
  • Don't tell Republicans but this new health care law is Mitt Romney's idea
  • Don't tell Mitt Romney but this new health care law is Mitt Romney's idea
  • How come we can only discuss 1, maybe 2 stories at a time in the news world?
  • Much of the European Union is on the brink of financial collapse. Office Pool: Portugal is next
  • Thomas Friedman is pro-Iraq war and pro-Outsourcing. STILL. Why do liberal talk show hosts always have him on their shows and laud him as the smartest man in the world?
  • Speaking of "liberal" talk show hosts - I think Bill Maher is on the take. Take your pick: the CFR, Zionist, Al Gore, Time Warner, hell even Dickheads Anonymous
  • I feel bad for Keith Olbermann for losing his dad but, damn, how much time off does he actually need?
  • Rush Limbaugh does not care about you
  • I think that the corporate-labeled "extreme right" and the corporate-labeled "extreme left" are actually the real middle. Take a Ron Paul guy and a Michael Moore guy and send them to Doug Stanhope concert. They'll both love it. Now take a Fox News guy and an MSNBC guy to the same concert and they'll both probably walk out by the end of the show. I like to call the middle "the caroled"
  • Ed Schultz does not care about you
  • Jesse James is a scumbag. I hate anyone that distracts the news media. Fuck you, too, Octomom
  • The Coffee Party is the dumbest piece of shit that I've ever heard of. They sit around and discuss the best ways to communicate with elected officials. What? Why not just write a letter and put in a bottle and then stick it up your ass. Same result.
  • Much of the Tea Party is unemployed and on government help. That movement is not about anything but the ongoing decrease in living standards and wages. Nothing more, nothing less. The formerly "comfortable class" is no longer comfortable and want someone's head. All revolutions come when the middle class suffers a lose in buying power. Poor rarely revolt because they spend all of there waking hours trying to survive. Protests are for the formerly spoiled. Few of the Tea Party's stated goals, as expressed by their corporate exploiters, will ever make them whole again. The last Tea Party had George Washington, the new one has Sarah Palin.
  • "Barry Soetoro" look it up
  • What happened to that anti-war movement? Everyone is protesting - students, tax payers, etc. But the only one the Obama administration wants to arrest is Cindy Sheehan
  • Obama, Emmanuel, Daily Kos, the only go after the liberals who are disobiendent not the conservaDems. Can we stop calling Obama a progressive?
  • Can Obama stop saying that a law that doesn't take effect for 4 years hasn't caused "Armageddon" today?
  • Al Gore testified to the Los Angeles City Council for a "carbon surcharge" of 28 percent for residents. He did it via Skype to keep his "carbon footprint low." Bullshit, he did it via Skype so we Los Angelians didn't put a SoCal foot up his exploitative fat ass.
  • Cable news is an unfunny joke. The biggest culprits: Chris Matthews and Bill O'Reilly.
  • It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the government of Israel. But there are a lot of anti-Semites who criticize the government of Israel. Tough one.
  • We are now seeing Jennifer Love Hewitt become a crazy cat lady spinster.
  • It sucks to be young in this economy.
  • It's NOT your age, the music does suck
  • Kurt Cobain, 2Pac, Hendricks, Lennon - all dead. Justin, Diddy, Mayer, Ringo - still alive. I think mediocrity is the key to immortality
  • Did you know Warren Buffet, and NOT a lizard, owns Geico?
  • Do you really think the GOP will let you have your liberty?
  • We can eliminate the income tax if your will to pay a few pennies more at Wal-Mart. No? Okay, call me on April 15th

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